Annual training course on Global citizenship Education against inequalities

Free training course for second grade secondary schools’ teachers

Providing students with an educational path that examines in depth the reasons behind extreme poverty, inequality, social exclusion. At this aim Istituto Oikos and Oxfam Italia – certified education institution by the Minister of Education, University and Research – promote a 60 hours training course addressed to secondary school teachers, in Milan and Varese.

Seminar training as an introduction to the course Global Citizenship Education about Inequality: 8 hours
Joint work in class with experienced trainers: 6 hours 
Realize and document the activities in class: 20 hours 
Participation in territorial youth forum: 8 hours 
National Webinar: 3 hours 
Support to students’ campaigning actions: 10 hours 
Feedbacks to the organizers and evaluation: 3 hours

It is also possible to take part into the introductive seminar training only and receive a certificate of attendance.
The training course will be starting in October 2018, dates still to be set. Given the limited places it is necessary to sign in by 15th October 2018 contacting us at 
Given the variety of competences that the offered activities will develop, secondary schools classes would be able to take part in the initiative thorough the alternanza scuola-lavoro programme.
The initiative is part of the project People have the power, funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

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