Latest news

Updates from the field, interviews, meetings and initiatives: keep up with our work in Italy and worldwide!

jun 12 2024


The new project, of which Oikos is a partner, presented at the Medforval Annual Meeting

may 27 2024

International coalition launches the PRIMA Nexus RES-MAB Project

The goal is to bolster Resilience to climate change in Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves

mar 19 2024

Tutto quello che c'è da sapere sul 5 per mille

Cos'è il 5 per mille? Come donarlo?

mar 19 2024

Together for diversity

The empowerment of the Chaldean Christian Community in Lebanon

dic 14 2023

PRONTIDAO Project Final External Evaluation: deadline postponed

Sunday December 17th is the new deadline

oct 4 2023



mar 30 2023

Chi ci ronza intorno? Una mattinata nel nuovo Giardino delle Api

Sabato 15 aprile al Parco di Villa Braghenti di Malnate (Varese)

jan 16 2023

There have never been so many fires in Europe

More than three times the average of the last 17 years. The consequences on the environment and on our health are devastating. A study by Oikos shows us the possible solutions to this emergency.

dic 20 2022

A certainty from COP15: there is no future without biodiversity

At the Conference of the Parties on Biodiversity, 193 nations agreed to protect one-third of the planet by 2030 with a historic agreement to safeguard biodiversity. But there are some disappointing issues.

dic 1 2022

238,000 victims of air pollution in 2020 in Europe

This is confirmed by the European Environment Agency's new study on air quality in our continent, published on 24 November. And we have the worst news at home: the highest PM10 concentrations are recorded in the Po Valley.

dic 1 2022

"Rain fall down...", but that's not enough

Temperatures and rainfall of the last few days may perhaps make us forget last sweltering summer, but autumn 2022 has been exceptionally dry and the effects of the summer drought will probably be felt throughout 2023

nov 21 2022

COP27: only one outcome is satisfying, the others disappoint

From the draft to the final text: agreements made and goals missed at the 27th climate conference in Sharm el-Sheik

nov 7 2022

COP27 just started, but expectations are very low

The UN Climate Change Conference kicked off yesterday, 6 November 2022, in Sharm el-Sheikh. The Planet's big polluters, India, Russia and China, are absent. This year's observers include Istituto Oikos.

mar 18 2022

La sopravvivenza delle foreste dipende da te

Giornata Internazionale delle Foreste: pianta un albero o regalalo a qualcuno a cui vuoi bene

mar 2 2021

A forced change of course

Climate change is changing the life cycles of many animal species. The behaviour of birds is one of the most evident proof of it. We talked about it with Francesca Buoninconti, naturalist and scientific journalist

aug 22 2020

The global ecological footprint now weighs more: overshoot day 2020

This year, the day when the overexploitation of natural resources exceeded the resource availability of 2020 came 3 weeks later: was this due to the lockdown and the resulting reduction in our global ecological footprint?

jun 26 2020

The double life of the Jellyfish

After 80 years, Drymonema dalmatinum, a giant and very rare jellyfish, reappeared in the Adriatic Sea only two more times after its discovery in 1880. The mystery behind its reappearance is to be found in the biology of these animals

apr 30 2020

Reflecting on the climate in the days of Coronavirus: ambitious goals in times of crisis

2020 is likely to be one of the hottest years ever recorded and, while the average sea level continues to rise behind the melting polar ice, the European Commission is launching the first climate bill

apr 24 2020

Wandering animals and where to find them. The return of wildlife to the city

The Earth without humans for the lockdown: nature taking back its spaces is a suggestive image, but does it correspond to reality?

apr 22 2020

On the elephant trail

Earth Day reminds us of the importance of a common commitment to the protection of the Planet. And we do so from our origins, from our first expeditions to Tanzania

jan 13 2020

A team of divers to protect oceans

140 kg of ghost nets removed from the seabed of Lampi Marine National Park

dic 16 2019

New cleanup campaigns in Myanmar

A team of expert divers to survey the Northern part of Lampi Marine National Park to spot ghost nets

dic 12 2019

Medforval, the new website is online

An online platform with a wealth of information on topics related to Mediterranean forest landscapes

nov 28 2019

Six villages, one question – how to dispose of waste?

Our staff is working with local communities in Myanmar to develop a sustainable management system

oct 4 2019

Help us to protect endangered ecosystems in Tanzania, vote for our project

From 7th to 21st of October choose to vote the Oikos’ project on the European Outdoor Conservation Association website

sep 24 2019

Human and wildlife

Simple tools to prevent conflicts

sep 24 2019

The power of the theatre

Sharing Conservation and Climate Awareness Messages Simply and Effectively

jul 15 2019

In the Ibo District, the lessons are starting again

The Cumuamba school was rebuilt and the children are back in school. After the devastation of cyclone Kenneth, work continues in the school of Rituto

jul 12 2019

Bees en route in Cascina Burattana

The activities for the production of organic honey in Busto Arsizio are underway. The evening of July 25th is dedicated to the beekeepers of the Province of Varese, to learn about new sustainable beekeeping techniques

jul 12 2019

Getting to know the Alpine Ibex together

Thanks to the Ibex Stambecco Lombardia project everyone can contribute to the conservation of this vulnerable species

jul 11 2019

Changes and conflicts

Climate change has caused and exacerbated tensions, violent and armed clashes. And in the future, the scenario could get even worse

jul 1 2019

Tourism in Kawthaung: the community leads the change

Destination Management Organisation, a participatory and inclusive tool for tourism destination management in Tanintharyi Region

jun 5 2019

New ideas for responsible tourism in Myanmar

How to become an environmental hiking guide in Kawthaung district

may 31 2019

Forthy days later: updates from Ibo

Life is starting over after Cyclone Kenneth

may 20 2019

A signature against intensive farming

On World Biodiversity Day, Wednesday 22nd of May, Istituto Oikos launches a petition in support of more ecological production models, to ensure fundamental standards in animal welfare. More responsible food choices are essential for the planet’s future and for our well-being: the new awareness-raising campaign #èunmacello! invites citizens to reflect on this.

may 8 2019

An alarm that affects us all

According to the first IPBES report on biodiversity, one million animal and plant species could disappear within a few decades

apr 30 2019

A business by women. Vison, leadership, sustainability

Twelve stories of women-led sustainable entrepreneurship

mar 27 2019

Ecoboma project comes to an end

Local government pledges to fight climate change in Northern Tanzania

mar 11 2019

ROADKILL – La strage ignorata

Venerdì 22 marzo a Germignaga presentazione in anteprima del documentario di Marco Tessaro

mar 7 2019

Laboratori gratuiti su energia e sostenibilità

Tre incontri a Milano per imparare a costruire il futuro

mar 6 2019

Corso gratuito per giovani cittadini attivi contro le disuguaglianze

Due cicli di formazione a Milano (19 e 26 marzo 2019) e Varese (20 e 27 marzo 2019)

feb 7 2019

Roadkill: la sicurezza è un diritto di tutti

L’impatto tra fauna e veicoli continua a causare la morte di persone e animali, ma se si conosce il problema è possibile evitarlo

jan 24 2019

Open position: final external evaluation

We are looking for a consultant who will make an assessment of the ECOboma project performance

jan 17 2019

Laboratori gratuiti per studenti delle scuole superiori

Un percorso da tre incontri a Milano e Varese dedicato al tema della disuguaglianza

nov 13 2018

Agenda 2030 e sviluppo sostenibile: corso gratuito per giornalisti - 8 crediti

Comunicare temi ambientali e sviluppo sostenibile: due incontri a Milano il 6 e il 10 dicembre

oct 25 2018

Sviluppo Sostenibile: a che punto è l’Italia?

Il nuovo rapporto ASviS analizza l’avanzamento del Paese verso i 17 Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile

oct 4 2018

Storie di cambiamento - Un viaggio nell’imprenditoria femminile

#unimpresadonna: alla ricerca di racconti di innovazione sociale e sostenibilità

sep 4 2018

Idee migranti

Corso di formazione per migranti che vogliono avviare un'impresa sul territorio italiano

aug 6 2018

Macon, the new master in Nature and Landscape Communication

The course of studies, promoted by University of Insubria in collaboration with Edmund Mach Foundation in S. Michele all’Adige, MUSE – Science Museum of Trento and Istituto Oikos, will be starting in October 2018. Lectures and laboratories will take place in Varese and Trento

aug 2 2018

Free training course for teachers and educators

Online and face to face classes about the 2030 Agenda issues and Global Citizenship in Milan and Varese

aug 2 2018

Annual training course on Global citizenship Education against inequalities

Free training course for second grade secondary schools’ teachers

jul 25 2018

Quirimbas National Park is now Biosphere Reserve

The recognition was declared during the UNESCO 30th session of the International Co-ordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme

jun 4 2018

A day for Civil Service

Tuesday, 12th June 2018 - Milan

may 30 2018

From India to Tanzania

A group of Market Place Literacy trainers travel from to Chennai to Arusha as part of an exchange programme between the two Countries within the Investing in Maasai Women project

may 29 2018

Bears and wolves are back in the Alps

An online survey to understand how much people know about this issue and improve wildlife management strategies in Lombardy

may 28 2018

“In ascolto”: exhibition and discussion about participatory design on Ibo Island

On Wednesday, 6th June 2018 the narration about the construction of the community lodge Casa das Garças starting from Filippo Romano photo essay

apr 26 2018

The wolf is back in the Alps

On 10th May 2018 a seminar dedicated to this predator, now in expansion, in order to understand the phenomenon without prejudices

apr 17 2018

The first Nubian ibex to be born in Lebanon after 100 years

One more step towards the reintroduction of the species into the mountains of the Shouf Reserve

mar 29 2018

Corsi di formazione per tecnici comunali e per studenti in provincia di Varese

Istituto Oikos e Legambiente promuovono un ciclo di incontri sulla progettazione e gestione ambientale per lo staff delle istituzioni comunali e professionisti del settore, e una serie di appuntamenti gratuiti aperti a tutti su monitoraggi ambientali, botanica e zoologia...

feb 26 2018

First national meeting on bears conservation in Myanmar

On March, 13th 2018 researchers, environmental conservation organizations, international experts and government representatives join forces to share experiences and information related to bears conservation in Myanmar and in Southeast Asia

jan 22 2018

Community is in the front line for environment safeguard

Training courses on ecological monitoring techniques at Mkuru Training Camp

jan 8 2018

From Arusha to Chennai: a cultural exchange

Four Maasai women went to India last December to attend the first conference in the country dedicated to the Marketplace Literacy

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