A safe education for the students of Quirimba

Quirimba school rehabilitation

Start over from the school after Cyclone Kenneth

More than three years after Cyclone Kenneth, the Quirimba school (Mozambique) is still badly damaged. This means that 435 students cannot attend classes safely and therefore they do not have access to a basic education. After rebuilding the school in Quirambo, and other public and private buildings, we continue our efforts to give the students a safe place in which to lay the foundations for their future.

In the Ibo District, there are 12 schools with 3617 students, but most of these buildings were damaged by the devastation of Cyclone Kenneth, which hit the north of the country on 25 April 2019.
After the recent reconstruction of the school in Quirambo, we continue our efforts in the field to rehabilitate public buildings in the district. In fact, Oikos was the first organisation to get involved in the reconstruction, focusing its efforts both on private homes and health centres and schools. Until now, seven schools have already been rebuilt in the Ibo District thanks to our intervention.
The work consists in the renovation of the school building with five classrooms, the roof and the complete renovation of the administrative school building. We also want to ensure safe access to basic sanitation facilities. For this reason, we are renovating the existing water tank and creating a new one at the same time. New buildings for four latrines are also about to be installed.
The work to rebuild the school in Quirimba is supported by the Butterfly Onlus Foundation.


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