Healthy diet and sanitation for Ibo

Pro. IBO. Innovative technologies for horticulture and environmental hygiene in Ibo District (Mozambique)

Concrete solutions against malnutrition and lack of basic hygiene education

A project focusing on simple and replicable technologies to tackle malnutrition and improve sanitary conditions in the Ibo District. Vegetable gardens and toilets, if built with techniques suitable for the environmental context, can really make the difference for each and every family.

In the Quirimbas Archipelago (Cabo Delgado), one of the poorest areas of Mozambique, there is no more balance between man and environment. Its extraordinary natural heritage is threatened by overfishing and the negative effects of climate change. The local population, traditionally made of fishermen, finds it hard to establish alternative sources of income. The sanitary conditions are uncertain and malnutrition is widespread.
Through this project we aim for concrete solutions to improve the living conditions of Ibo inhabitants. We put forward simple ideas on a small scale, but very easily replicable.
In order to tackle malnutrition we are creating 45 keyhole gardens: a domestic vegetable garden model promoted by FAO which enables the cultivation of vegetable crops where soil is impoverished and water is scarse. The lack of vitamins and proteins in diet is a very widespread problem, which we try to reduce also through an awareness campaign mainly addressing mothers, demonstrating the importance of a varied and balanced diet. Just by spending a very limited amount of money all the families of Ibo could have a vegetable garden to improve their diet: the team of young people we are training today on the construction of keyhole gardens, in fact, will be able to provide a service to their community.

In order to improve the sanitary conditions in the area and reduce the consequent spreading of diseases, we are building 150 dry toilets - with limited use of water - in collaboration with the inhabitants of the archipelago. We are also restoring the rain water collection systems in the schools of the Matemo island. Understanding the importance of adopting basic sanitary rules, such as washing hands and using toilets in the correct way is fundamental: theatre helps us delivering this message since it is an effective mean to reach students and families and talk about crucial social topics often omitted from public discussion.


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