Nature, a common good

A green community to protect biodiversity

The green urban areas are home to little-known biodiversity, yet very important for the well-being of citizens. Valuing it is therefore fundamental: green areas, as well as the animal and plant species that live there, are a common resource to protect for everyone’s well-being. A commitment to be carried out to all levels.

The protection of urban greenery is not only a civic responsibility, but it can also become a tool for aggregation, in a context where the social relations seem to be getting thinner and thinner.
Environmental sustainability has become a central theme in the international debate and it is touching the conscience of many people all over the world. In recent months, then, the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, whose origin must be sought in the alteration of ecosystems, was another opportunity to reflect on the need to protect natural resources. The strengthening of this common consciousness must be enhanced: to protect nature we must first know the natural systems with which we interact every day, often without even noticing. We all want cities that are more livable and greener, but have we ever thought about what we can do to make these environments healtier? 
With the project A green community for biodiversity protection, funded by Fondazione di Comunità Milano onlus, we work on the territory of the Municipality 3 of Milan. With one goal: to spread a greater awareness of the green around us and how to take care of it.
The first step are the surveys on the territory, to determine what is the composition and structure of the green, the microclimate in green areas and the presence of wildlife, a topic still completely unexplored for the city of Milan. The results will then orient concrete conservation interventions: planting of flower essences, restoration of grasslands, creation of small wetlands and shelters for birds in the gardens of some schools. The whole community is called to activelyparticipate in the whole process: from schools—involved in activities to create an environmental ethic, according to the bio-greenschool modelto private citizens. The people of the Municipality 3 are invited to contribute to the monitoring and implementation of the surveys, through citizen science workshops, with the support of experts.
This methodology may then represent a model for the restoration of urban green, to be replicated in other municipalities.
The project’s activities are possible thanks to the collaboration with: Comune di Milano - Direzione di Progetto Città Resilienti e Direzione Transizione Ambientale and the school SUPER - Scuola Superiore d’Arte Applicata of Castello Sforzesco.


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