
Supporting vulnerable communities of Cabo Delgado and Nampula threatened by climate and sanitary emergency and by internal conflicts

Water, hygiene and food safety, mostly for children

In Northern Mozambique, extreme climatic phenomena and the humanitarian emergency due to constant attacks by jihadist groups s are threatening both displaced people (250 thousand in the province of Cabo Delgado alone) and hosting communities. With this project we are intervening in the WASH and food security sectors to provide concrete support to the population in the Provinces of Nampula and Cabo Delgado.

Among the consequences of the continuous increasing of the internal migration, the lack of appropriate sanitation services is one of the most pressing issues. Lack of suitable facilities causes an increased spread of serious waterborn diseases, including cholera, which is often lethal, especially among children. To reduce this risk, our priority is to increase the availability of safe water and provide better access to services, particularly in public health centers. We are doing this through the rehabilitation of sanitation services and household water supply points, the strengthening of Water Management Committees, and the installation of 30 handwashing stations. We are also promoting awareness raising campaigns on waterborne diseases and Covid-19 prevention in both Provinces.
The project also acts on the agricultural and nutritional front with initiatives aimed at ensuring food security for displaced people and the resident population. We offer technical training to improve the skills of 820 local farmers on production methods adapted to climate change. Then, in the District of Ibo, we are distributing 500 kits for farmers. 
Child malnutrition is a real emergency in these areas. We are supporting 400 mothers, both resident and displaced, with nutritional screening of 5,000 children under 5 years of age. We are also working to provide feeding programmes and activities dedicated to correct nutrition, such as cooking demonstrations of traditional, healthy and nutritious recipes. A first essential step in ensuring that children have the right to grow up healthy and strong.

This project is funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.


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