Climate Change Resilient Communities

PRORES: strengthening the resilience of communities to the effects of climate change

Water, mangroves and sustainable agriculture: starting again from the land

Mozambique is one of the African countries most affected by climate change. In 2019, the cities of Beira and Cabo Delgado, on the northeast coast of the country, were severely damaged by Cyclone Kenneth: the consequences were catastrophic and the population is still trying to recover. Cyclones in this area are becoming more and more frequent, as four others have affected the population in 2020 and 2021. These extreme events, combined with poverty and a precarious socio-political condition, make Mozambique a very fragile and vulnerable country.
With the PRORES project, we collaborate with the University of Lurio and Cesal to support local communities in responding to the consequences of these climatic phenomena, and give them effective tools to face concretely the future extreme events.

It is essential that the communities of Cabo Delgado know the effects of climate change and how to respond to, so that they become stronger in the front of the threats of a more and more unpredictable climate. That is because extreme natural events, which are becoming increasingly intense and frequent, endanger not only the population, but also Mozambique's natural heritage and biodiversity. 
The project has three main areas of intervention. 

Protection and conservation of mangroves. 
Mangroves are essential allies to protect coastlines from cyclones, however over the years they have too often been sacrificed to make space for agricultural land, new housing and wood production. To restore mangrove forests, the project involves communities, especially schools and young people, in recreational and educational activities to understand more about these precious ecosystems and their importance for biodiversity. Together with the University of Lurio, we promote different production activities, like beekeeping and aquaculture, that guarantee a future economic stability for the population, while preserving the local ecosystem.

Supporting the economic growth of the province.
We do this through productive diversification based on a new sustainable agroforestry system. With the help of local technicians, we study and identify damaged areas that have lost fertility, biodiversity and the capacity to retain water, to restore their biological balance and make them productive again. Local farmers and producers take part in training classes to develop their business and financial skills. We share with them good practices in the natural resource management that impede soil degradation and biodiversity loss.

Improving sanitation and hygiene practices and water facilities, which have been severely damaged by cyclones in the last years. 
This is the area in which Oikos is directly involved. We want to ensure equitable access to water and sanitation services in the Mecufi District. We do that through the construction and rehabilitation of infrastructure for water and sanitation supply systems, working both at the community level and in primary schools. An awareness-raising campaign on waterborne diseases, good hygienic and nutritional practices and proper conservation of water is associated to our intervention in schools and communities.


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