International coalition launches the PRIMA Nexus RES-MAB Project

The goal is to bolster Resilience to climate change in Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves

An international consortium has joined forces to combat the escalating threats of climate change in the Mediterranean. The newly launched RES-MAB project, funded by PRIMA Foundation, unites research institutions, government agencies, and NGOs across the region.
Led by the Forest Science and Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC), RES-MAB brings together ten Mediterranean partners, linked to UNESCO Biosphere Reserves, from Spain (Alto Bernesga Biosphere Reserve Foundation), Jordan (Royal Society for the Conservation of Nature), France (Mont-Ventoux Natural Regional Park and Organization for the Defense and Management of AOC Ventoux), Italy (Veneto Regional Park of Po Delta Authority and Istituto Oikos), Slovenia (Public Institute Park Skocjan Caves), Morocco (National Agency for the Development of Oases and Argan Zones), and Lebanon (Association for the Protection of Jabal Moussa). 
The project focuses on UNESCO-designated Biosphere Reserves (BRs), areas recognized for their contribution and capacity to balance human activity and nature conservation. RES-MAB will establish seven BR demonstration sites across the Mediterranean, transforming them into "living laboratories" for testing and implementing cutting-edge WEFE solutions.
RES-MAB champions the WEFE (Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems) Nexus approach, a holistic strategy that acknowledges the interconnectedness of these vital resources. By integrating WEFE management, the project will contribute to more resilient landscapes and bolster adaptation to climate change.
The project boasts several key objectives which include developing a WEFE Nexus Socioecological Modelling Tool (WEFE-SEM Tool) to empower stakeholders and local communities with informed decision-making, integrating the WEFE-SEM Tool into existing policies and development plans for long-term impact, and co-creating and implementing eight climate-resilient WEFE Nexus solutions across the seven BR demonstration sites.
Assessing and monitoring the environmental and socio-economic impacts of these solutions, as well as promoting sustainable market solutions and private sector engagement through innovative business models are also among the goals of the project.
RES-MAB capitalizes on existing research and experience from previous initiatives and projects such as the Mediterranean WEFE-Nexus Community of Practice, International Centre for Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves (UNESCOMED), the Mediterranean Thematic Network of Biosphere Reserves (MedMaB Network), and the EDUBIOMED Erasmus+ project. This collaborative approach ensures that RES-MAB builds upon a strong foundation and avoids duplication of efforts.

By fostering resilient landscapes to climate change and sustainable development in BRs, RES-MAB delivers a range of benefits for the entire Mediterranean region:
• Increased food security and improved sustainable water & energy resource management
• Enhanced biodiversity and ecosystems conservation
• Improved livelihoods for local and vulnerable communities
• Development of groundbreaking solutions for climate change adaptation and mitigation.

RES-MAB marks a significant step forward in confronting the climate crisis in the Mediterranean. The project's success hinges on the active participation of stakeholders at all levels, from government officials to local communities and entrepreneurs. Through this collaborative project, we are empowering social-ecological-economic change and embracing resilience to climate change across Mediterranean Biosphere Reserves.


For more information about the RES-MAB project: (RES-MAB IP); (Project Manager); (Communication Officer).

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