Together for diversity

The empowerment of the Chaldean Christian Community in Lebanon

A story of survival

Twenty years ago, thousands of families fled their homes in Iraq and Syria to escape the persecution of ISIS. The motivation? Purely religious. They are Chaldean Christians, a minority fleeing violence and oppression. Some of them found refuge in Lebanon: the Chaldean community in Lebanon counts about 20,000 members nowadays, and more than 70% of them live as illegal refugees. For many, Lebanon is a transit point, but the waiting times for resettlement in another country are extremely long. And so, entire families find themselves in a perpetual limbo of social marginalization, lack of educational or employment opportunities, and often endure a severe condition of food insecurity. For thousands of refugees, staying in Lebanon is a real struggle for survival.

Together for integration

Istituto Oikos, along with Farah Social Foundation (FSF) and the Chaldean Charitable Society in Lebanon (CCSL), is by the side of the Chaldean Christian minority in Beirut every day to promote their integration, with a special focus on the groups paying the highest price for this isolation: children, women, and unemployed youth. We offer them the tools to develop new knowledge and skills, especially in the environmental field. We aim to leave no one behind, cultivating diversity as a resource for a more inclusive and just society.

Accelerators of social inclusion

The response in training
Chaldean Iraqi refugees have no job opportunities in Lebanon. The extreme poverty in which many families live prevents them from supporting even basic expenses. Oikos immediately took action to provide food assistance to the most vulnerable people. In a year and a half, we distributed 1,350 food packages to 150 Chaldean families.

We asked ourselves how to build economic independence in such a challenging context. The answer lies in training: we offer vocational courses to women and young people in promising sectors, from urban agriculture to handmade soap production. A tangible opportunity to develop economic stability, but also and above all, their self-esteem. 

women involved in 3 training courses 77
young individuals trained in local agricultural businesses 40
food parcels distributed 1.350
Families reached 150

The protection of the environment as a ground for dialogue

We believe in environmental education as a tool for constructive dialogue, a meeting point even in diversity. In Lebanon, school programmes do not include environmental activities, this is why teachers have welcomed our proposals with great enthusiasm, and together we have built an entirely new path for environmental education. Regardless of social background, religious beliefs, or cultural background: understanding what we can do to defend nature is an opportunity for common and shared growth.

teachers trained 30
students from 15 primary classes involved 275
children participated in 2 summer camps 60

Field stories

Tania Farid

Along with 24 other women, I am learning all the techniques of food drying. I can't wait to finish the course! Because I will receive a dryer, and I can finally start building my business, my autonomy, my future.

Fadia Morad

I am a primary school teacher, and I have always thought that environmental education is an essential component of school programmes. With the activities proposed by Oikos, my colleagues and I have the opportunity to bring essential themes for the times we live in into the classroom, and these themes are very dear to me. It is a great satisfaction to see how enthusiastically students embrace these activities when we show them a video, tell a story, or ask questions. Stimulating their critical thinking and creativity is a beautiful adventure.

Shadia Al-Badawi

I have learned all the secrets of handmade soap production, and during the courses, I discovered that I love this work! I love creating natural products from what nature offers, such as lavender, sage, turmeric. Today, my business is growing, and I hope to have new products to sell soon.

SALAM - Food security and environmental protection for combating discrimination against the Chaldean Christian minority is a project promoted by Istituto Oikos and funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation.

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